Richard Lucas
Lucas has served as Vice President for Communications at SRHS since 19XX. In his role, he works as spokesperson for the system and is frequent the conduit between the press and SRHS.
Lucas hosts “Live Healthy” on WGUD. The show profiles different aspects of SRHS operations, provides fitness tips, and general wellness.
SRHS hires spin doctors
After the revelation of the pension problems, SRHS hired Nashville based PR firm Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock. Jarrard specializes in healthcare crisis management. Unless journalists make the distinction, it is not always obvious whether information is coming from Lucas or from Jarrard. Certainly, communications prepared by Jarrard are filtered through Lucas to local media. We think it is important that the public be aware of these facts when reviewing SRHS releases.
Media Coverage
Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock
Kevin Holland: CEO